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Author: TRK

Tribute to the LEGENDE-ary “Bosso”, Jabulani Tsambo

Tribute to the LEGENDE-ary “Bosso”, Jabulani Tsambo

Today, we pay tribute to perhaps the one person who did the most for the promotion and dissemination of the Setswana language throughout the world than all his precursors and other actors in the foreseeable future. Today, the 24th of October 2024 marks the sixth anniversary of the untimely demise of the LEGENDE-ary “Bosso”, Jabulani Tsambo – better known by his stage name Hip Hop Pantsula or just HHP. I would borrow from his track Bosso and say “Bosso ke…

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Phatwe (August in Setswana)

Phatwe (August in Setswana)

[ENG] The Setswana name for August is Phatwe. The eighth month of the Gregorian Calendar (August/Phatwe) is also the twelfth month of the traditional Tswana lunar calendar, whose year starts with the onset on the agricultural season in August/September (Lwetse). In fact, it gets more complicated than that, since because the 12-month lunar year inevitably falls out of alignment with the seasons, and therefore the beginning of the planting season will not occur at exactly the same time each solar cycle. According…

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Phukwi (July in English)

Phukwi (July in English)

[ENG] The Setswana name for July is Phukwi. The seventh month of the Gregorian Calendar (July/Phukwi) is also the eleventh month of the traditional Tswana lunar calendar, whose year starts with the onset on the ploughing season in August/September (Lwetse). In fact, it gets more complicated than that, since because the 12-month lunar year inevitably falls out of alignment with the seasons, and therefore the beginning of the planting season will not occur at exactly the same time each solar…

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Losika (Family and Familial Titles)

Losika (Family and Familial Titles)

Names and Titles of Family Members and Relatives in Setswana Let’s start with the curious fact is that although there are some direct mappings between English and Setswana titles, there are those that do not have equivalents in the other language. The word cousin, for instance is one interesting concept, which has a lengthy Wikipedia page to itself, explaining (among others) how technically, you are in fact your own uncle’s and grandmother’s cousin, does not have a direct equivalent in Setswana. On…

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Seetebosigo (June in Setswana)

Seetebosigo (June in Setswana)

[ENG] The Setswana name for June is Seetebosigo. Although Seetebosigo [June] has been designated as the sixth month of the Gregorian Calendar in Setswana, it is actually the tenth month of the traditional Setswana lunar calendar, whose year starts with the onset on the ploughing season in September (Lwetse). In fact, it gets more complicated than that, since because the 12-month lunar year inevitably falls out of alignment with the seasons, and therefore the beginning of the planting season will not…

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Motsheganong [May in Setswana]

Motsheganong [May in Setswana]

[ENG] The Setswana name for May is Motsheganong. Although it is the fifth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar Motsheganong (May) is in fact the ninth month of the traditional Tswana lunisolar calendar, whose year starts with the onset on the agricultural season in August/September (Lwetse). However, this is not as clear-cut as my introduction above makes it seem. Traditional Southern African calendars were based on the moon cycle, as well as annual seasonal rotations. This tended to create complications as…

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The recently launched Botswana government initiative, aimed at the economic empowerment of the informal sector is rapidly gaining both momentum and public approval. It is one from a barrage (or “mokgokolosa”, as President MEK Masisi prefers) of programmes aimed at improving the lives of Batswana. One thing that really bothers me about it though is the spelling: Chema Chema! For a long time, efforts have been made to emphasise that the Setswana alphabet does not include the letter ‘C’, and…

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Moranang [April in Setswana]

Moranang [April in Setswana]

[ENG] The Setswana name for April is Moranang. Although it is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar Moranang (April) is in fact the eighth month of the traditional Tswana lunisolar calendar, whose year starts with the onset on the agricultural season in August/September (Lwetse). However, this is not as clear-cut as my introduction above makes it seem. Traditional Southern African calendars were based on the moon cycle, as well as annual seasonal rotations. This tended to create complications as…

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Mopitlo [March in Setswana]

Mopitlo [March in Setswana]

[ENG] The Setswana name for March is Mopitlo. Although it is the third month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar (March/Mopitlo) is in fact the seventh month of the traditional Tswana lunisolar calendar, whose year starts with the onset on the agricultural season in August/September (Lwetse). However, this is not as clear-cut as my introduction above makes it seem. Traditional Southern African calendars were based on the moon cycle, as well as annual seasonal rotations. This tended to create complications as a…

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Setswana – Mother of many Mother Languages

Setswana – Mother of many Mother Languages

Today, February 21, is International Mother Language Day. So what better day than this to discuss our own vernacular? Setswana is the “mother tongue” (if is still considered politically correct to say mother tongue), of about eight million people living primarily in Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Namibia, where it enjoys the status of being a national, official, or recognised minority language. The geographic spread of the language is perhaps the widest in the SADC region after Kiswahili – ranging…

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