Maele with English Explanations

Maele with English Explanations

1Go adima motho ditsebe.To lend someone your ears.To listen to someone.
2Go aga mo pelong ya motho.To reside in one’s heart.To be loved greatly.
3Go aketsa tsorwane.To deceive the gullet.To have a very light snack.
4Go akga matsogo/diatla.To drag ones hands.To walk with nothing in hand, particularly if you were expected to help carry.
5Go akga/goga dinao.To drag ones feet.To work/walk very slowly having no pressure.
6Go akga/nna leleme.To dangle one’s tongue.To be a courier of lies.
7Go anetswa dipodi.To have someone milk your goats dry.To be taken advantage of/gotten the better of.
8Go anywa phiri.To nurse [breastfeed] from a hyaena.To drool in one’s sleep.
9Go apara kobo le motho.To share a blanket with someone.To firmly rebuke a person.
10Go apara/rwala ditsebe.To wear one’s ears (as cosmetics).To be ignorant/unaware of things that happen(ed) in your vicinity.
11Go aparwa ke lefifi.To be covered by darkness.To comouflage in darkness.
12Go apaya ke lonao.To cook using your feet.To visit people, targeting to get your meals from them.
13Go apeela mo lephogong.To cook on a feather.To have false expectations.
14Go apeela thukwi/noko le mala.To cook an animal’s meat together with its entrails.To concoct.
15Go apesiwa kobo ka letshoba.To be forced to use a blanket with holes.To be made to suffer.
16Go atamela monyo.To be close to the morning dew.To be short (stature).
17Go baba lonao.To have an itchy foot.To be unable to stay in one place.
18Go bapalela mo kgetsing e e letshobaTo collect into a bag with holes.To work hard without gaining anything.
19Go bapelwa le digarawe.Having shovels and spades on standby.Being so sick that people assume you are soon to die.
20Go bapolana ka mafoko.To crucify with words.To verbally assault each other.
21Go bapolela dimapo tlapeng.To hammer nails onto a rock.To waste time on something that won’t yield.
22Go batla gotswana lwa phiri.To identify the thief among hyaenas.Searching for something you are unlikely to find.
23Go baya bobi matlhong.To obstruct ones eyes with webs.To deceive someone to hide the truth.
24Go baya fa ntshung.To place something in the gizzard.To eat.
25Go baya motho lefoko.To place a word on a person.To make a strong appeal or instruction to someone, or to show a person reason.
26Go baya motho leswabi.To hold one in a dry fold.To hold a grudge.
27Go baya motho mabele a kgomo.To place the teats of a cow on a person.Corporal punishment, four strokes/lashes.
28Go baya motho mabele a kolobe/ntša.To place the teats of a pig/dog on a person.Corporal punishment, many strokes/lashes.
29Go baya motho mabele a podi.To place the teats of a goat on a person.Corporal punishment, two strokes/lashes.
30Go baya pelo.To put down your heart.To be patient and not dispair.
31Go baya sengwe letlhaku.To place a bush on something.To undertake to do something in future.
32Go baya tau botsetse.To act midwife to a lioness.To be brave and calm in a dangerous situation.
33Go beeletsa motlhatswa ka tshega.To lay a rug on a berry to mark ownership.To show ownership with property.
34Go bega pitsa o tshotse molelo.To report the meal ready while you are still making the fire to cook it.To declare something that is yet to be concluded as done (based on faith that it will be).
35Go betsana/itaana ka noga e utlwa.To strike each other with a live snake.To be in epic conflict with one another.
36Go betwa ke pelo.To be choked by one’s own heart.To be passionately angry.
37Go bewa sebata se sentsho.To have a panther set upon you.To be accused of a henious act.
38Go bina motho phuphu.To dance on one’s grave.To celebrate another person’s misfortunes.
39Go bipa mpa ka mabele.To protect ones belly [pregnancy] with their breasts.Nepotism.
40Go bipolola momela.To uncover the brewing brew.To reveal a secret.
41Go bitsa kgomo le namane.Costing a cow together with its young.To be overly expensive.
42Go bo bana ba wela mo isong.Where the children are falling into the cooking fire.Where there is no food to eat, due to impovershment.
43Go bo dikgomo di sia ka marole.Where cows are running off with their calves.Where one is losing control of the situation.
44Go bo maoto a nkga tsela.Where one’s feet smell of road.Where one is on the verge of leaving.
45Go bo metsi a tsena mo mantlong.Where [flood] water is flowing into houses.Where one is losing control of the situation.
46Go bo mogwang o ile borwa.Where the shoot has gone south.The end of an event.
47Go bo moretlwa o lelela boatleng.Where the whip screams/shouts indiscrimnantly.Corporal punishment being carried out en-masse.
48Go bo motseto o fapogile marago.Where the napkin has fallen out of alignment.Where one is losing control of the situation.
49Go bo motsetse a ja ka letsogo.Where the nursing mother is forced to eat by hand.Where the situation is very dire.
50Go bo mpuru a faretswe.Where the calf is stuck in the birthing canal.Where the situation is very dire.
51Go bo pelo e rotha madi.Where the heart is bleeding.Extreme emotional pain.
52Go bo setoropo se napetse.Where the knot has become too tight to untieWhere the problem has reached a level where it seems unsolvable.
53Go bo tsela e tsene ka sekgwa.Where the path leads deeper into the forest.Where one is losing control of the situation.
54Go bobisa mmutla.To deceive a hare.To have a very light nap.
55Go bogola poo e tsweletse ka go bopa.To bark at a bull that continues to bellow (ignoring you).To keep retrying unsuccessfully.
56Go bokalatsa dintshi.To touch your eye lashes together.To have a very light nap.
57Go bona sengwe ka letshotsha.To find something by accidentTo find something by accident.
58Go bona/kopana le lerwa/nta le fuduga.To encounter an mite/flea moving to a new host.To get in big trouble.
59Go bonela motho letsatsi pele.To have seen the sun before another person.To be born or more experienced first.
60Go bontsha motho dinaledi.To show a person stars.To hit someone so hard he gets a concussion.
61Go bopela motho kgomo ya mmopa.To create one a clay cow.To create falsities about a person, which some people actually believe.
62Go bowa ka nngobana e sa fotlhwa.To return with your sweet reed unattended.To fail in your endevour.
63Go bua diphirimisi.To speak depressives.To speak worthless and perhaps depressing words.
64Go bua gabedi.To speak doublly.To decieve people by self-contradicting.
65Go bua ka pelo.To talk with your heart.To be lost in thought.
66Go busa ka seroophateRuling with a y-staff.Having an abusive dictatorship government.
67Go di ema ema.To stand around.To be in deep deep trouble.
68Go di emela.To stand for them.To face the consequences.
69Go di ga o di tlatsa kobo di sena morwadi.To fill them up although there is nobody to carry them.To create larger problems than you can handle by overestimating your capabilities.
70Go di gadikela go di phura.Frying them to injure your teeth.Doing something which you know will most likely hurt you.
71Go di gama o sa di tlhapela.Having to milk them without having washed your hands.To be in deep deep trouble.
72Go di gamela mo thotaneng/ mokgokoloseng.Having to milk them on a slope.To be in deep deep trouble.
73Go di kapa.To catch them.To be intoxicated.
74Go di tlhaolela di bekerwe.Removing the ewes from the rams when they have already been mated.To take action/react too late.
75Go dira ka meno a maleele.To do it with long teeth.To do something although you do not want to.
76Go direlwa fela o se naga.To get things done for you even though you are not a piece of land.To accumulate things without struggle or much work.
77Go duba motshelo.To stir up the party/conference.To mess up or cause conflict.
78Go duba thankga.To kneed a heap.To have a very large load of work to do.
79Go dumedisa mhikwana.To greet the midwife’s stick.To see a newborn baby.
80Go e latswa bobe.Licking it too much.Talking too much/incessantly about one thing.
81Go e pega thaba e tlhotsa.Making it climb a hill while it’s limping.To increase someones problems.
82Go ela motho ka dinakana bodibeng.To disappear into a river pool – horns and all.To forego a promise to another person who still continues to wait.
83Go ema motho nokeng.To stand by one’s hip.To support someone in need.
84Go epa pitso.To call a gathering.To call a gathering.
85Go epela selepe.To bury the axeTo make peace.
86Go eta/jaka ka loleme.To let your tongue visit.To over-enjoy a foreign language/dialect/accent and try to mimick it, losing your own.
87Go falola ka bobi ja segokgo.To escape by a spider’s web.To have a narrow escape.
88Go fatlha/tshosa dipeba.To blind or frighten the rats.To urinate.
89Go fela pelo.To run out of heart.To run out of patience.
90Go felelwa ke tlhale morutsheng.To run out of thread in the bobbin.To run out.
91Go feroga/emelela dibete.Livers are churning/standing.To feel bileous.
92Go feta ka tse di tsididi.To go through with the cold ones.To have an effortless victory.
93Go feta metsi o tshwara seretse.To reach beyond the water and touch the mud below.Provoking others beyond reasonable expectation.
94Go fetoga phuti boloko.To turn into duiker dung.To run away in escape.
95Go fetoga/tswa motlhanka wa mafoko a gago.To become a servant of your words.To deny what you had said earlier.
96Go fisa baeng marago.To burn the visitors’ buttocks.To speed the parting of the guest.
97Go fitlha lesiela.To hide the orphan.To hide things that show your struggle from other people.
98Go fitlhela bana ba tladi ba ntse dibothwana-bothwana.To find the children of thunder in a vulnerable position.To be in deep deep trouble.
99Go fitlhela naga e le tshetlha.To find the land empty.To find nobody “home”.
100Go fitlhela tau e ja bojang.To find the lion eating grass.When there is famine.
101Go fula mo melelwaneng.To graze near the borders.Where there is a high likelihood of disaster occuring.
102Go gama o ikotelela.To milk them whist holding them yourself.To works on a demanding and engaging task but without assistance.
103Go gana go ya magaleng ga bedi.Refusing to go back to the burning ambers.To refuse to go back to the same situation that previously ended bad for you.
104Go gana nnang wa banyana.To refuse with a young girls’ no.To refuse emphatically.
105Go gapa dipotsane.To confiscate goat kids.To be intoxicated.
106Go gata monwana wa kgonotswe.To step on your big toe.To wish intently for something to happen or something not to happen.
107Go gata tlhakwana.To deny knowledge about the hoofs.To hold a secret.
108Go gatisa motho magala.To cause one to step [barefooted] on hot charcoal.To set a trap for someone for revenge.
109Go gogela kobo ntlheng e le nngwe/ya gago.To pull the blanket to one side.To fail to be impartial and rather favour yourself or your kin.
110Go gogola dikgomo ka mono-wa-thoko.To breed cattle using free incidental water.To get rich with no effort.
111Go golola tlou le maroo.To skin the entire elephant including its feet and claws.Spending too much time/effort on one topic, while there are still others to be discussed.
112Go gopola motho ka kgamelo.To remember a person with a bucketTo remember a person only when you need something from them.
113Go gora/latswa kika.To lick the grinding mortar.To die.
114Go gowa naga.To shout to the bush.To appeal to people for help but nobody assists.
115Go hema ka nko e le nngwe.To breathe from one nositril.To be extremely ill.
116Go hupa tedu.To mouth your moustache.Being angry at everybody and not talking to anyone.
117Go ijesa dipherefere.To eat chillies.To pretend to be very angry.
118Go ikapeela bodila.To cook sour food for yourself..To create problems for yourself.
119Go ikepela lemena.To dig yourself an abbys.To create problems for yourself.
120Go iketsha maswe dinaleng.To remove dirt from your finger nails.To help when there is a need.
121Go ikgogela metsi ka moselo.To direct flood water your way.To create problems for yourself.
122Go ikitaya ka thupana.To whip oneself with a small stick.To motivate oneself to attend to tasks that are lagging behind.
123Go ikodisa dibi.Picking up dry bull dung.Fiegning ignorance by talking about totally irrelevant things when asked.
124Go ikoketsa marago ka matlapa.To increase the appearance of your buttocks by stuffing rocks.To exaggerate one’s worth or abilities.
125Go ikutlwisa mathaithai.To try magical tricks.To attempt to play dirty tricks on someone.
126Go inaya/ipha naga.To surrender youself to the veld.To scatter or flee through out the area.
127Go inela motho diatla metsing.To dip your hands in water for someone.To forgive a person.
128Go ingwaya ka meno.To use your teeth for scretching itches.To be very poor.
129Go inosa ka nkgo.To have you maiden drink.Have first experience of something
130Go ipagololela mogodu.To get tripe for yourself.To take, having not yet been given.
131Go ipala mabala a kgaka/nkwe.Counting/displaying your guinea fowl or leopard colours [spots].Advertising one’s own prowess/wooing a woman.
132Go iphaga dikoro.To serve yourself cores?To insinuate yourself into a job/task assigned to others, with the hope of payment.
133Go iphalela segau sa lonaka.To get served with a scorched horn.To think that you winning when in fact you are losing.
134Go iphara mo molaong.To sit flat on the law.To knowingly break the law.
135Go iphatlha ka diphuka.To poke you own eye with your feathers.To get yourself into trouble unnecessarily.
136Go iphitlha ka monwana.To hide behind your finger.Trying to obfuscate evident truth.
137Go ipolaya wa tloga wa re o loilwe.To hurt yourself then blame it on witchcraft.To get yourself into trouble unnecessarily.
138Go isa marapo go beng.To take the old bones to their owners.To go to sleep.
139Go isa nonyane borwa.To take a bird south.To do an unnecessary task.
140Go isa phuduhudu Bosarwa.To take a steenbok to the bushveld.To repeat something that has already been completed.
141Go itaya ka kwa ntle/kwano.To hit on the outside/this side.To miss the target.
142Go itaya se fololetse.To hit a dead one.To fail to achieve something.
143Go itaya/opa kgomo lonaka.To hit the cow on its horns.To be correct and on point.
144Go itaya/opa matshwane mo nkong.To hit the honey badger on its nose.To be correct and on point.
145Go iteba dinala.To watch one’s fingernails.To be lazy/not participate in work.
146Go iteela kobo moroko.To hammer down the blanket.To concur with previous speakers.
147Go itekanya morwalo.To make the burden bearable.To make the burden bearable.
148Go itewa ke ditshikaro.To get struck by fear.To get a sudden fear urge of a possible impending misfortune.
149Go itewa ke setšhane.To be struck with disappointmentTo be struck with disappointment.
150Go itewa/betswa ke lefatshe.To be struck by the world.To suffer the consequences.
151Go ithela molelo.To throw flames at yourself.To say things that get yourself into trouble unnecessarily.
152Go ithwala.To carry oneself.To be pregnant.
153Go ithwesa magala mo tlhogong.To carry [hot] charcoal on your head.To get yourself into trouble.
154Go itlhaba ka thipa mpeng.To stab yourself with a knife in the belly.Doing something which ends up hurting you.
155Go itlhaba nngololo.To poke out your memory.To sham ingnorance of a promise made or duty to fulfill.
156Go itlhaloganya ditlhaa le tlhogo.Understanding one’s jaws and head.To reorganise oneself.
157Go itlhatlaganyetsa magala tlhogong.To increase the load of charcoals on your head.To exaggerate one’s circumstances.
158Go itoma sankatlhe/molomo wa tlase.To bite you lower lip.To work very diligently and thoroughly.
159Go itoma sekgono.To bite your own elbow.To swear on the impossibility.
160Go itoma/itlantla diteme.To bite your tongue continually.To lack truth.
161Go itsala jaaka peba.To birth your clone, just like a rat.Such a father, such a son.
162Go itseta/ingata ka mogatla.Have your tail between your legs.To be greately embarassed, and perhaps even scared.
163Go itshela/nna moriti o tsididi.To purport a cold shadow.To be apathetic or to feign ignorance.
164Go itshoga dithabela.To have an uneasy conscience.To have an uneasy conscience.
165Go itshwara khubu.To grab one’s navel.To swear to never repeat a misdemeanour, ever.
166Go itshwara madi.To hold one’s own blood.To kill your relative.
167Go ja dijo tsa ditoro.To eat dream food.To have wishful thinking.
168Go ja ditlhare ka meno.To eat trees with your own teeth.To have mental illness.
169Go ja hularelabeno.User not know!To be gone from home for so long that you adopt your new place as home.
170Go ja kgano o mo laela/le mogatla.To eat the entire mongoose up to its tail.To do something which makes it impossible to return to the initial state (in a bad way)
171Go ja magala.To eat [hot] charcoals.To be enraged.
172Go ja maswe a bankane ba gago.To eat your agemates’ faeces.To be an underachiever.
173Go ja mmu le makwete.To eat lumps of soil.To be enraged.
174Go ja mofufutso wa phatla.To eat the sweat of your forehead.To reap benefits of your hard labour.
175Go ja mokaragana wa botshelo.To be galloping in life.To enjoy life.
176Go ja mokwana ka lepe.To eat sap with an axe.To have a stress-free life.
177Go ja monate.To eat pleasure.To enjoy what you are doing.
178Go ja mosekelampeng.To eat that what will be accounted for from the stomach.To benefit from a credit arrangement.
179Go ja motho direthe.To eat one’s [foot] heels.To spy or gossip about someone.
180Go ja motho ka loleme.To give tongue service.To deceive or con someone.
181Go ja motho ka meno.To give tooth service.To agressively rebuke a person.
182Go ja motho nko e sa butswa.To eat a person’s nose raw.To rebuke a person without giving them opportunity to defend themselves.
183Go ja motho ping.To ping someone?To pinch a person.
184Go ja motho ratho.To trip a person.To trip someone so they fall.
185Go ja naga ka lonao.To consume the veld with your feet.To run away.
186Go ja nakaladi ya kobolela.To eat babies’ milk teeth.To have a stress-free life.
187Go ja nku meno.To eat sheep teeth.To have a stress-free life.
188Go ja ntša.To eat dog.To be bvery poor.
189Go ja o namile.To eat, sitting with your legs stretched out.To have a stress-free life.
190Go ja pipamolomo.To eat a mouth-closer.To get a bribe.
191Go ja pitsa e sa tsholwa.To eat from the pot before it is served.To take, having not yet been given.
192Go ja pitsa e tsholwa.To eat from the pot while food is being served.To declare something that is yet to be concluded as done (based on faith that it will be).
193Go ja/kgora ka mpa tse pedi.To eat into two stomachs.To overeat.
194Go jela ka mogopo o tletse.To eat from a full bowl.To have a better experience/life than had been expected.
195Go jela madi tlhakeng.To consume money before getting home.To be a spendthrift.
196Go jela motho le matlape.To chew a person together with fruit peels.To underestimate a person and look down upon them.
197Go jelwa matlho a tshwene.To have your baboon’s eyes eaten.To fall victim of dirty tricks
198Go jesetsa motho mo lesweng/kgobedung.To cause one to eat from a dirty place.To make ones life uneasy by constantly abusing or threatening them.
199Go kabolola motho ditshoka/ditsebe.To unblock a person’s ears of wax.To harshly punish a person, particularly one who deliberately/knowingly did wrong.
200Go kalakatlega jaaka poo ya mariga.To wander about like a bull in the winter.To wander about aimlessly.
201Go kaya ntwa setlhanka.Narrating a battle scene like a servant.Reporting an event inacurately mainly because you had not experienced it first-hand.
202Go kgadisa motswetsana.To dry out the stream.To depleat or extinguish the source of resources.
203Go kgama ntšanyana.To strangle a dog.To belt your trousers precariously with a belt that is too tight for the larger trouser waist.
204Go kgaogelwa ke mpeetshane.To get your sandles broken.To run or walk hurriedly in order to avoid/prevent disaster.
205Go kgaola motho molebo wa nko.To cut off the tip of one’s nose.To have a strong stench.
206Go kgetlha dithupa.To fetch whipping sticks.To urinate.
207Go kgobela kwa ntle ga kika.To hit outside the grinding mortar.Epic fail!
208Go kgobola ntho legogo.To peel a wound.Reopening old wounds.
209Go kgola naka lwa tholo.To try and break off a kudu’s horn.Do do a tough job.
210Go kgotla motshitshi/semane.Poking a bee hive.To provoke/invite unnecessary problems.
211Go kgwa molalatlhaeng.To spit out that what stays between the jaws.To eventually let out the truth after a struggle.
212Go kgwa motho dikgaba.User not know!To acknowledge someone’s words by commenting on them.
213Go kgwisa motho lerapo.To force one to drop the bone from their mouth.To remove a beneficial opportunity from who had already started the process or was about to.
214Go kopa sego sa metsi.To request for a water calabash.To request a bride or had in marriage.
215Go kopanela mo kobong ya kgomo.To meet in the grave.To pursue to the death.
216Go kubetsana ka dikgono/dijabana.To poke elbows at each other.To have unpleasant relationships with others from your family or colleagues. Constantly fighting.
217Go lala ka lobadi.To sleep on a wound scar.To reach a compromise solution which you are not satisfied with.
218Go lala ka ntho madi a tshologa.To sleep on a bleeding wound.To sleep at night, but still very upset about something.
219Go laolwa ke lonao.To be controlled by your feet.To hardly be in one place.
220Go latlha seditse.To throw down the talisman.To give up.
221Go latlhela/tikela tlhware legonyana.To throw a twig at the python.To contribute to a discussion.
222Go latswa ke noga/tlhware.To be licked by a snake/python.To be lucky [lucky escape]
223Go le aramela le sa go tlhabetse.To bask while the sun is still up.To take advantage of an opportunity.
224Go le botsa phokoje.To ask it from the jackal.To run away.
225Go le supa le le fa.To point in its direction.To emphatically refuse.
226Go lebela motho mo metsing.To look at a person through water.To underestimate a person and look down upon them.
227Go leka ditlhare bothitho.Trying for warmth from trees.Trying your luck under unlikely circumstances.
228Go leka motho tumelo.To test someone’s faith.To test someone’s patience.
229Go lela/nna dikeledi tsa mathe.To cry saliva tears.Pretending to be in pain or crying.
230Go lelela kgama le mogogoro.To mourn your lost antelope and its fur blanket.To lose a lot of valuable things in succession.
231Go lelelwa ke sekwakwalala.To be nagged by a cricket.To become a victim of very painful circumstances.
232Go lema lopetleke.To plant a creeper.To enter all territories.
233Go lesa dikoko di ja.Leaving chickens to eat.Neglecting to take care of something
234Go lobela motho dintsi.To deny the flies knowledge about someone.To kill someone secretly and conceal it.
235Go logela motho segwenegwene.To knit a trap for someone.To plan someone’s downfall.
236Go loma ka tlhaa/meno.To bite hard with your jaws/teeth.To struggle alone on a mammoth task.
237Go loma motho serota.To bite one’s hump.To follow closely behind someone.
238Go loma motho tsebe.To bite one’s ear.To inform someone secretly.
239Go loma ngwaga.To bite the year.To enjoy the first fruits of a harvest.
240Go loma o fodisa.To bite and relieve.To pretend to have good intentions while at the same time backbiting.
241Go lomana ka meno.To bite each other.To fight vigorously.
242Go longwa ke noga maoto a mabedi.To be bitten by a two-legged snake.To be betrayed/attacked by humans.
243Go longwa ke ntša o e otlile.To be bitten by a dog you nurtured to bite.Disaster of one’s own doing.
244Go lwela lerapo.Fighting over a bone.Fighting for positions or potential financial gains.
245Go lwela meriti le bommantsiane.Competing against lizards for tree shades.To have too much free time.
246Go mela maoto.To grow a pair of legs.To disappear (be stolen).
247Go metsa o sa tlhafuna.To swallow before you chew.To expect greater results than your input.
248Go moma molomo.To press your lips together.Not talking.
249Go neela motho seditse.Go hand someone your talisman.To admit/accept defeat.
250Go neela ntša tlhong.Setting your dog off on a porcupine.Ignore all conscience.
251Go neela tshwene marapo.To hand your bones to a baboon.To be lazy.
252Go nesetsa mafoko pula.To greet one’s words ceremoniously.To enthusiastically endorse one’s words.
253Go nkgisana magwafa.To emit body odour onto each other.To compete.
254Go nna borethe fela jaaka tlhapi.To be as slippery as a fish.To lie with no effort or suspicion.
255Go nna dikgang ka marago.To sit on news/issues.To not share news/issues.
256Go nna dikobo dikhutshwane/di magetleng.To have short blankets.To be poor.
257Go nna dinala/dinalanyana.To be all fingernails.To be a snatcher or thief.
258Go nna dipeba tsa mosima o le mongwe.Being rats of the same hole.Those who agree in many things.
259Go nna diya thoteng di bapile.To go together uphill.To have very similar characteristics.
260Go nna fa gare ga dinaka tsa kukama/nare.To be betsween the horns of an orxy/buffalo.To be in deep deep trouble.
261Go nna gopane wa moikapari.To be a monitor lizard that doesn’t shed skin.To be poor/struggle.
262Go nna ka diatla/matsogo.To remain with your hands.To be lazy.
263Go nna ka ditsebe.To remain with your ears.To not listen.
264Go nna ka lerago le le lengwe.To sit on one buttock.To be in a state of uncertainity.
265Go nna le boiteo jwa thupa.To have lashing scars.To be useful.
266Go nna le letsapa le le go fisang pelo.To have a strain burning your heart.To have a nagging conscience.
267Go nna le mosi wa dikgong tse di metsi.To have smoke from wet firewood.To be rude or stubborn.
268Go nna lefetwa.To be passed over.To remain unmarried forever/pass marriage age.
269Go nna legano/dipuo tse di botlha.To have a sour mouth.To have a habit of being vulgar or uncouth.
270Go nna loleme lo borethe.To have a smooth tongue.To lie with no effort or suspicion.
271Go nna loleme.To be all tongue.To talk too much.
272Go nna madimabe.To be unfortunate/lucklorn.To be bad-blooded.
273Go nna makgabe a dipapetla.To have a shardy skirt.To be in a hurry.
274Go nna malala-a-loatswe.To be ready for eventuality.
275Go nna maoto a tshupa.To be bug-legged.To be slow.
276Go nna mariba a kgokong.To have the forehead of a weldebeest.To hide what is in your mind.
277Go nna matlhomatlho/matlho mantsi.To have many eyes.To be promiscuous.
278Go nna mo mmeleng.To be in body.To be pregnant.
279Go nna modidi wa nta ya tlhogo/e e motopo.To be a pauper with head lice.To be extreme impoverished.
280Go nna modiga.To be dropped.Let there be peace.
281Go nna moipolai yo o sa lelelweng.To be a suicide case.To get oneself into trouble intentionally.
282Go nna mokwatla mokhutshwane.To be short-backed.To be able to bear many children (pregnancies) without problems.
283Go nna mokwatla moleele.To be long-backed.To be unable to bear many children (pregnancies) because of health problems.
284Go nna mooko o thata/Go tia mooko.To have strong bone marrow.To be encouraged.
285Go nna moriti o tsididi.To be a cold shadow.To ignore or fain ignorance of a situation.
286Go nna morui wa kgomo e telele.To herd long cattle.
287Go nna mosima wa phika ka marago.To sit atop a snake’s hole.To be in potential danger (usually, unknowingly).
288Go nna motho wa nama le madi.To be a flesh and blood person.To be an ordinary person with mistakes and imperfections.
289Go nna nta ya selomela kobong.To be a bedbug.To be untrustworthy.
290Go nna ntwa-dumela.To be a ‘hello fight’.To be militant
291Go nna pelo pedi.To be two hearted.To be in a dilemma
292Go nna pelo/pelonomi.To be hearted/gentle hearted.To be kind and giving.
293Go nna pelokgale.To have a strong heart.To be brave.
294Go nna pelompe/pelo e e maswe.To have an ugly heart.To be cruel.
295Go nna pelotlhomogi.To have a caring heart.To be sympathetic or empathetic.
296Go nna pharameseseng.To be one who sits among dresses.To constantly be surrounded by women/girls, although the relationships are all platonic.
297Go nna phokoje o o dithetsenyana.To be a muddy jackal.To be slick or streetwise.
298Go nna podimatseba.To be an attentive goat.To be aware of your circumstances.
299Go nna sebete se molangwana.To have a knotted liver.To be unsettled or unsatisfied.
300Go nna sebete.To be all liver.To be audacious.
301Go nna teme pedi (o se gopane).To be two-tongued.To be hypocritical and untrustworthy.
302Go nna thari.To be a baby receiver.To be late (behind time).
303Go nna tsebe di telele.To have long ears.To fiddle in other peoples business.
304Go nna tsebe ntlha.To have a fast ear.To listen carefully.
305Go nna/jela mo letlepung.To live in a paradise.To have plenty.
306Go ntsha ditlhogo.To give out the heads.To give gifts to one’s maternal uncle, so as to get his spiritual blessings
307Go ntsha ga tshwene.To display the baboon’s.To perform a task with the greatest of your abilities.
308Go ntsha lobelo.To give one speed.To shower a child with blessings for a gift they render.
309Go ntsha mosi ka sekhurumelo.To let steam escape from the lid.To tell a secret.
310Go ntsha motho dijo ganong.To remove food from one’s mouth.To remove a beneficial opportunity from who had already started the process or was about to.
311Go ntshana se inong.Grooming each other’s teeth.To have a wonderful relations.
312Go ntshwarisa moletse wa namane ke le nosi.To bear the weight of a calf alone.To overwhelm unnecessarily.
313Go nwa moro wa tibe.To drink of a wild cat.To leave.
314Go nwa motho moro wa godimo.To drink one’s brow sweat.To cheat someone out of what they laboured for.
315Go nya photi boloko.To make as the duiker’s dung.To run away.
316Go nyala lefufa.To marry jeaslousy.Polygynous marriage.
317Go nyela matlotla.To defaecate in old buildings/ruins.To do something which makes it impossible to return to the initial state (in a bad way)
318Go nyema mooko.Getting your bone marror liquified.To lose confidence in performing a task.
319Go nyera marapo.Getting your bones liquified.To become powerless or less threatening.
320Go okangwa ke leru le le ntsho.To be in the shadow of a dark cloud.To live in fear of misfortune.
321Go oketsa marago ka matlapa.To use rocks to increase the apparent size of buttocks.To exeggarate.
322Go ongwa ka logare o bo o beolwa ka lone.To be threatened with a blade, then later shaved with it.To be warned of something, only to end up falling victim to it.
323Go opisa motho tlhogo.To cause someone a headache.To be a constant nag in someone’s conscience.
324Go ora ka fa mosing.To sit at the smokey end of the camp fire.To be in a state where you are the one suffereing the most while others are just fine.
325Go palama ka mekwatla ya ba bangwe.To climb up on other people’s backs.To climb up on other people’s shoulders.
326Go palama kukama.To ride an oryx/gemsbok.To be in deep deep trouble.
327Go palangwa ke pelo mo seroteng.To have your heart in your back.To be passionately angry.
328Go paralatsa menwana.To spread your fingers.To sell at excessively high prices.
329Go patisa poo ka letshwagola.To trap a bull for castration.To catch one weak or unexpecting.
330Go pega motho dinaledi.To place stars upon a person.To praise a person for their achievement.
331Go petla ditlhako.To spread hoofs.To die.
332Go phunya phefo.To punch a hole through the wind.To run very fast.
333Go phunyeditsa pudungwana dintsi.To upen up a pod for flies.Put in harms way.
334Go phuthela motho ka kgetse.To wrap someone in a bag.To deceive a person.
335Go phuthulola mowa.To release calm spirit.To give one your blessings.
336Go pota motho ka ko morago.To go behind someone.To execute someone’s downfall without them suspecting anything.
337Go raga thokolo/lepai.To kick the dung.To die.
338Go ragwa ke ntšhe.To be kicked by an ostrich.To be ragged.
339Go rapamela none ese yo.To stalk prey that is not there.To fiddle in to much business of others.
340Go ratela photi ka matlhowa.To stalk prey wearing rattles.To self-sabotage.
341Go re semene mpona.To cry hide me!To run away.
342Go rekela kolojane kgetseng.To buy a piglet in the sack.To buy something without looking inside first.
343Go repa ditlhaa.To have loose jaws.To be unable to hold secrets.
344Go roba mosetsana leoto.To break a girl’s leg.To impregnate a girl.
345Go robala ka ditlhako.To sleep with your shoes on.To be oblivious of things happening around you.
346Go robala ka leitlho le le lengwe.To sleep with one eye.To be keenly observent.
347Go robalelwa ke ditlhokwa.To have no sticks after you.To be at peace.
348Go roka molomo.To sew your mouth.To be quiet – not saying a word.
349Go rokotsa motho mathe.To cause salivation.To entice one.
350Go rolela motho hutshe.To take off one’s hat for another.To acknowledge one’s achievement.
351Go roroma dirope.Trembling down to your thighs.To tremble with fear.
352Go rotha kgodu e khibidu.Dripping red sap.To bleed.
353Go rothisa mmutla madi.Letting the hare’s blood drip.To tell a secret.
354Go ruta betsi.Teaching daughters in-law.To orientate new-comers.
355Go ruta tshwene mapalamo.Teaching a monkey to climb.To teach an expert.
356Go rwala kolobe e sa phunngwa.Carrying the entire pig, innards and all.To carry a heavy weight.
357Go rwala masigo/makuku ka tlhogo.To carry the dead of night on your head.To travel/work through the night.
358Go rwalela setlhako le mmitlwa.Wearing a shoe with a thorn inside.
359Go sa ingwaelwe matsetse.Not having people scretching mites off onto you.To be feared or respected.
360Go sama tsebe.Sleeping, resting on your ear.
361Go se bona.You will see it.A grave threat.
362Go sega tsebe.To cut one’s ear.To embarrass.
363Go segela motho fa lefureng.To give one the fatty piece [of meat].To do someone a much appreciated favour.
364Go segela ngwana thari mpeng.To prepare a baby’s clothing while still pregnant.To be too optimistic.
365Go sekelwa ke ditshoswane.To have ants serve justice for you.To get karma justice.
366Go sela dipampiri.Running around, picking up papers.To be mentally unstable.
367Go setela motho dimapo.To place traps.To set traps for another.
368Go sha ntshu o sa ogole sepe.To get ulcers for nothing.To get very involved in other people’s business, which has no bearing on you.
369Go sia ka tlhaloganyo ya motho.To run away with one’s mind.To deceive a person into believing you.
370Go siela mo setlhareng se se mmitlwa.To find refuge in a thorny bush.To escape from one problem into another.
371Go siiwa ke none e tlhotsa.Being unable to catch a limping antelope.To be unable to perform an easy task.
372Go sila o tlhatlegile.Grinding flour when already cooking.To work under pressure.
373Go suga hutshe.To crumble one’s hat.To show a lot of humility (usually when asking for forgiveness).
374Go sutlha legano.To cleanse one’s mouth.To have a very light snack.
375Go swa ka khupamarama/lefunelo.Dying with it in your mouth.To die without having revealed a secret.
376Go swa mhama.Dying on one flank.To be paralised.
377Go swa senku.Dying like a sheep.To give up without a fight.
378Go thanya [lomapo] lo le tsebeng.Being awaken by a rod striking your ear.To become of the danger when it is too late.
379Go thiba metsi a molapo ka letlhaku.Blocking river water with a bush.To try to use a tool that is not capable of doing the job.
380Go thiba motho maroba a pelo.Blocking one’s heart’s flow.To give someone no peace of mind.
381Go thuba kobo segole.Breaking the knot.To be relaxed, with no fear or reason for uneasiness.
382Go thuba motho pelo.Breaking one’s heart.To disappoint.
383Go thubela motlopo wa khudu godimo.To break a tortoise shell from above.Stop before you cause harm.
384Go tla itse se ntša e se robalelang mo isong.You will see why the dog sleeps by the fire place.A grave threat.
385Go tla ka makatlanamane.To come with all farmhands.To come in great numbers to a meeting/event.
386Go tla kgomo di bolotse.To arrive when the cattle had already left to the field.To arrive late for action.
387Go tlaila motho.To blind a person using witchcraft.
388Go tlala ka lekgasa.To fill up a garment hole.To rebuke a person very loudly and uncontrollably.
389Go tlhaba kgobe ka mmutlwa.Eating a bean with a thorn.To be relaxed, with no fear or reason for uneasiness.
390Go tlhaba mainane.To tell folktails.To give unclear explanations to avoid telling the truth..
391Go tlhaba podi matseba.To inform/warn.
392Go tlhaba-tlhaba mpa ka mmutlwa.Poking one’s belly with a thorn.To spoil a good thing.
393Go tlhabisa motho ditlhong/kgala.Getting one pierced by hedgehog quills.To embarrass or cause shame to one.
394Go tlhanola direthe.Turning foot heels.To flee.
395Go tlhapa mongwe/sengwe diatla.Washing your hands off someone/something.To give up on someone for failing to improve on their behaviour/actions.
396Go tlhapisa ditlhogo/masori.Washing the heads.Reciprocating a nephew/niece’s gift as (an uncle) by another to show you accept their gift and are giving them your blessings.
397Go tlhatlega mashi.Boiling milk.To be in a hurry.
398Go tlhoboga khudu e rathwa.To ignore a turtle being assaulted.To ignore an abuse.
399Go tlhoka molomo.Lacking a mouth.To remain silent.
400Go tlhoka nko e e tswang lemina.Lacking a functioning nose.To fail to get a responsive action.
401Go tlhoka tsebe.Lacking an ear.To be a nuisense
402Go tlhokafala.Being absent/necessary.To die.
403Go tlhola motho meno.Checking one’s teeth.To discover one’s weaknesses
404Go tlhoma/baya motho letlhokwa.Placing a stick upon someone.To betroth a person for future marriage.
405Go tlhomoga pelo.Feeling for someone’s pierced heart.To feel sympathy.
406Go tlhomola pelo.Pierced heart.To invoke sympathy.
407Go tlhotlhora nakedi.Dusting a skunk.Consultation with a traditional doctor.
408Go tlodisa motho dinokana/melapo e tletse.Helping one cross flowing streams.To help out a person in trouble.
409Go tlolwa ke dipeba.Having rats hop over you.To lose abilities or worth.
410Go tsalwa ka meno.Being born with teeth.To have been long preparred for an eventuality.
411Go tsamaela maoto go ruruga.Walking only to strain your feet.To put a lot of effort into something that brings no results.
412Go tsamaela motho.Travelling around for a someone.To try everything to find solutions for someone.
413Go tsamaya ka pula, o goroge ka pula.Go with the rain, return with the rain.To have plenty of luck on the road.
414Go tsamaya le lorole.Moving with dust.To have a huge entourage.
415Go tsaya motho ka letsogo la molema.To treat a person left-handedly.To treat a person poorly.
416Go tsaya tsia.To acknowledge (regard) something.
417Go tseisane molelo.To share a fire.To have a very close relationship.
418Go tsena ka lenga la seloko.To get into a deep heel crack.To disappear.
419Go tsena motho ganong.Go get into one’s mouth.To interrupt someone talking.
420Go tsenela motho ka sekgwa/mo sekgoropeng.To disappear into a bush veld.To hide from someone.
421Go tsenwa ka mala a masesane.To get a narrow diarrhoea attack.
422Go tsenya khadi monwana.To put you finger inside the brew.To be caught while doing something dishonest.
423Go tsenya kwena gae.To get a crocodile into your home.To invite your enemy into your home.
424Go tsenya lentswana.To put a boulder in.To add more to what is being brought.
425Go tsenya marapo/mooko mo dinameng.To place bones in the meat.To put in more effort.
426Go tsewa ke ga e a lala e robetse.It’s not sleeping, just napping.To (blindly) follow the majority.
427Go tshaba e e dumang o ya go e e bobileng.To run from the barking one to the silent killer.To escape from one problem into a worse one.
428Go tshaba/katoga monyo.To fear/be distant from the morning dew.To be tall.
429Go tshabela mosetlho mo thepeng.Avioding thorny shrubs be walking on food crops.Avoiding a harsh person’s wrath by picking on a soft person.
430Go tshabisa mala ditlhokwa.Go protect one’s intestines from poisons.To protect from harm.
431Go tshawrisa motho letlapa/logaga.Go make someone hold onto a rock/cave.To be kept holding.
432Go tshela motho malepe.To throw axes one’s way.To help someone do a task.
433Go tshela noga mmu.To throw dust on a snake.To incite more anger on someone.
434Go tshela sa ntša le katse/phiri.To live like dog and cat/hyaena.To live in constant strife with each other.
435Go tshelegelwa ke madi a kgofa.Getting drops of louse blood spill on you.To fall victim when you were just a bystander.
436Go tshelela dithupa letshotelong.To hide whips in the fertilising dung.To prepare to punish someone when they least expect it.
437Go tshologa motho mokgosi.To answer one’s call for help in large numbers.
438Go tshosa ka mororo.To hide your cowardice by threatening others.
439Go tshosetsa ka noga e sule.Using a dead snake to scare off others.To use a useless trinket asa weapon to scare off those who do not know.
440Go tshwara mala ka letsogo.Holding one’s intestines with their hand.To anticipate doom.
441Go tshwara motho ka nko.Holding someone by their nose.To share tobacco with someone.
442Go tshwara motho ka pelo.To hold someone by your heart.To hold a grudge.
443Go tshwara motho mogoma.Holding one as a hoe.To take advantage of someone to help you achieve something.
444Go tshwara noga ka mogatla.Grabbing a snake by its tail.To provoke violence.
445Go tshwara phage/tau ka mangana.Holding onto a lion’s cheeks.To take on a difficult task.
446Go tshwara/hupa ka tlhaa.To hold with your jaws.To keep a secret.
447Go tshwaraganya dinaka tsa podi.To entangle a goat’s horns.To get one’s tongue twisted in a lie
448Go tshwaratshwara.Being touchy-touchy.To engage in witchcraft.
449Go tswa ga Lowe.From the times of Lowe [the Creator]From the beginning of time.
450Go tswa ka dikgoro.To exit from one’s doors.To bid goodbye.
451Go tswa ka soba la mogodu.To exit through a hole in the stomach.To have a narrow escape.
452Go tswa mo diatleng.Getting out of hand.To get out of control.
453Go tswa motho diatla.Being one’s hands.To help someone with a task.
454Go tswa motho dinao.Being one’s feet.To help someone by going somewhere on their behalf.
455Go upa maraka tau e setse e tlhasetse.Searching for carcasses after the lion’s attack.To regret having not done more to prevent a disaster.
456Go utlwa botlhoko.To feel pain.To be sad.
457Go utlwa dinala.To feel nails.To get stolen.
458Go utlwa ka podi ya tsela.To hear from a passing goat.To get it from rumours.
459Go utlwa ka tsa ga Morakile.Hearing as Morakile would.To misunderstand the message.
460Go utlwela motho botlhoko.Feeling pain on someone’s behalf.To be sympathetic or empathetic.
461Go wa ka mpa ya sebete.To hall on one’s tummy.To fall from grace.
462Go wela dingalo.To fall into problems.To be in trouble or stressed or difficulty.
463Go welwa ke kgetse.Having the bag fall on you.To be found guilty.
464Go welwa ke seru.Having darkness fall upon you.To face difficult times.
465Go ya bokgwelwa.Moving to a foreign plaace.To be gone from home for so long that you adopt your new place as home.
466Go ya boyabatho.Going to where people end up.To die.
467Go ya dira o se thata.Going to the enemy although you are not tough enough.To go into a situation without the necessary preparations to win.
468Go ya ga maotwana-hunyela.Going to where legs disappear.To die.
469Go ya kwa tsie e ileng teng.To go where locust swarms went.To be gone without a trace.
470Go ya le kgomo ngakeng.Going to the doctor with your cow [payment].To be made to pay instantly.
471Go ya magaleng ga bedi.Going back into the [burning] charcoal.To find yourself facing the same problem you have faced before.
472Go ya magoletsa.Going up and up.To be on the increase.
473Go ya monama o ya.To disappear.To be gone without a trace.

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