Dikarolo tsa Puo [Parts of Speech]

Dikarolo tsa Puo [Parts of Speech]

[ENG] Setswana grammar specifies eight major classes of lexical items which form the broad basis for the classification of the parts of speech. These are not mere translations of their English equivalents, as we shall see, Setswana does not have explicit articles and prepositions (as these are usually implied by the context of the sentence). The indefinite article is the default state of any sentence and therefore, where emphasis is required, the use of the “wa/ya/sa teng” [loosely, “the one in question”] is employed to indicate the definite article. Onomatopoeia are classified as a part of speech in their own right.

The links below connect you to further discussions on the respective parts of speech:

1. Maina [Nouns]

2. Madiri [Verbs]

3. Ditlhaodi [Adjectives]

4. Matlhalosi [Adverbs]

5. Maemedi [Pronouns]

6. Makopanyi [Conjunctives]

7. Malatlhelwa/Matsibosi [Interjections]

8. Maetsisi [Onomatopoeia]

[TSN] Thutapuo ya Setswana e kaya fa go na le dikarolo tsa puo di le borobabobedi. Motho a ka itemogela do re ntswa di lekana ka palo le tsa Sekgowa, ga se gore ke thanolo fela e e tlhamaletseng, ka re tla lemoga gore mo Setswaneng ga re na sepe se se tshwantshiwang le “article” le “preposition”. Re tla bona mme gore mo Setswaneng ntswa karolo ya malatlhelwa e ikemetse, ga gona karolo e e ka tshwntshiwang nayo mo Sekgoweng. 

Digokaganyi tse di lateleng di ka go tlhamaletsa ko dikarolng ts pua tse di lebanyeng:

1. Maina [Nouns]

2. Madiri [Verbs]

3. Ditlhaodi [Adjectives]

4. Matlhalosi [Adverbs]

5. Maemedi [Pronouns]

6. Makopanyi [Conjunctives]

7. Malatlhelwa/Matsibosi [Interjections]

8. Maetsisi [Onomatopoeia]