Sika loo Katse [Felines]

Sika loo Katse [Felines]

Setswana and English Names of Felines/Cats [Sika loo Katse]

Setswana, English and Scientific names and pictures of various members of the cat family found in these parts of the world.
Remember, cats like tiger, jaguar, puma, etc which are not found in (Southern) Africa do not have actual Setswana names, hence their omission from this listing.
Tiger and jaguar would be referred to as nkwe [leopard], while a puma/cougar would probably be called thwane [caracal] in a sentence where it is very necessary to have translations for those words.

TSN: Tau
ENG: Lion
SCI: Panthera leo
By Kevin Pluck – Flickr: The King., CC BY 2.0,
TSN: Nkwe
ENG: Leopard
SCI: Panthera pardus
By Patrick Giraud (edited to fix white balance) – Own work, CC BY 2.5,
TSN: Lengau/Letlotse
ENG: Cheetah
SCI: Acinonyx jubatus
TSN: Tadi
ENG: Serval SCI: Leptailurus serval Bob] |Date=2007-02-11
TSN: Thwane
ENG: Caracal/African Lynx
SCI: Caracal caracal
TSN: Phage/Tibe
ENG: African Wildcat SCI: Felis lybica [Image © Leonemanuel]
TSN: Katse
ENG: Domestic Cat
SCI: Felis catus
“Josh”, chilling. Taken by M. Kgosi at Metsimotlhabe, BW

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