Sika loo Ntša [Canines]

Sika loo Ntša [Canines]

Setswana and English Names of Canines/Dogs [Sika loo Ntša]

Setswana, English and Scientific names and pictures of various members of the dog family found in these parts of the world.
Remember, dogs like wolf, coyote, etc which are not found in (Southern) Africa do not have actual Setswana names, hence their omission from this listing.
Wolf would be referred to as phiri [hyaena], while a coyote would probably be called phokoje [jackal] in a sentence where it is very necessary to have translations for those words.

Although scientifically speaking, we ironically start this dog listing with “cats”, hyaenas are considered by many a lay-person as more dog-like than cat-like.

TSN: Phiri  
ENG: Spotted hyaena
SCI: Crocuta crocuta
Source: (Spotted Hyena Crocuta Crocuta Portrait Photograph By Pete Oxford)
TSN: Phiritshwana/ mosonokwane/setinikwana  
ENG: Brown hyaena
SCI: Parahyaena brunnea
Parahyaena brunnea (Brown hyaena), Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, South Africa. [photo Bernard Dupont  ©]
TSN: Thukwi/Thukgwi  
ENG: Aardwolf
SCI: Proteles cristata
By by Dkaeuferle = Dominik Käuferle – Originally from de.wikipedia
TSN: Lekanyane/letlhalerwa/ leteane  
ENG: African wild dog/African hunting dog
SCI: Lycaon pictus
By Charles J. Sharp – Own work, from Sharp Photography, sharpphotography, CC BY-SA 4.0,
TSN: Phokoje  
ENG: (Black-backed) Jackal
SCI: Lupulella mesomelas
By Charles J. Sharp – Own work, from Sharp Photography,, CC BY-SA 4.0,
TSN: Motlhose  
ENG: Bat-eared fox
SCI: Otocyon megalotis
By Yathin S Krishnappa – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
TSN: Lesie  
ENG: Cape fox
SCI: Vulpes chama

TSN: Ntša  
ENG: Domestic dog
SCI: Canis familiaris

“Stripe” and “Private” chilling. Taken by R Kgosi, BW 

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